These product versions are no longer supported, but you can get minor updates as listed. We strongly suggest purchasing a current version of a product, as some of these older products do not support current OSes like Windows XP and Me (and possibly others).
Maintenance Releases

AutoSave (1.10)

3.4 MB

Copy Commander (7.06)

2.4 MB

Fix-It Utilities 4 (

10.9 MB

Fix-It Utilities 5 (

1.0 MB

Partition Commander 6  (6.05)

1.5 MB

Partition Commander 8 (8.03)

5.4 MB

PowerDesk Pro 5.0

1.01 MB

PowerDesk 4 Pro Viewer Update

6.02 MB

PowerDesk - Microsoft Windows Common Controls Update

0.50 MB

System Commander 7 (7.05)

4.20 MB

SystemSuite 4 (

17.4 MB

SystemSuite 5 (

1.94 MB